Meet Athena Clarke

Candidate for City Council District 46

Athena Clarke was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. She is a first generation American. Her parents migrated to America from Jamaica/West Indies. Clarke completed most of her education in District 46 where she is running for City Council. She attended P.S. 203, Roy H. Mann Middle School, and Sheepshead Bay High School. Clarke’s passion for working with children led her to a career in teaching. She received her Bachelor’s Degree at Brooklyn College in Early Childhood General Education and Students with Disabilities. She later completed her Master’s Degree in School Building and District Leadership. Clarke worked for the New York City Department of Education for seven years; she was a tenured teacher. While teaching in the DOE, Clarke was able to accomplish one of her long time goals of writing a children’s book.

In 2021, the mayor implemented a Covid-19 vaccine mandate. This mandate went into effect after Clarke had already worked in person for an entire school year without previously receiving the shot. This vaccine mandate caused Clarke, like many other city employees, to lose her job. Although tenured, Clarke was terminated without due process, a right that is guaranteed by New York State Education Law.

This injustice propelled her to launch this campaign: to fix government overreach and ensure that situations like this never happen again. The governing city agencies ignored the rights of their citizens and invalidated our contracts. Mistakes were made and the government does not intend to take accountability for the wrongs they have done. Clarke is not a career politician; however, she believes in standing up for what is right. She is willing to stand in the gap between New Yorkers and government agencies.


Reinstate and Compensate

Once elected, Clarke’s first order of business is to ensure all New Yorkers receive their due process. This will ensure fairness, transparency, and accountability in the legal and government systems. Clarke is also in full support of Resolution 5, which promises to reinstate New York City employees who were terminated due to non-compliance with the Covid-19 vaccination requirement.






On November 4, 2025, vote for Athena Clarke for City Council.



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