Campaign Issues

Clarke City Council believes in the rights of citizens. There are many issues that are facing District 46.


Our main focus are to protect our freedoms:
  • Defending Rights
  • Due Process
  • Parental Rights
  • Children’s Innocence



Defending Rights/ Due Process

There is a propensity for those in power to find ways to want to take more. During the Covid-19 pandemic, our leaders proved this. During a state of emergency, we can expect mistakes to be made and for our elected officials to error on the side of caution. Despite that fact, we should also expect them to be able to reflect on their decisions, and to take responsibility in correcting what mistakes they made during that process. The city decided not to and the courts sided with their ridiculous claims that they can retroactively set terms of employment at will. This judgment makes whatever contract collectively bargained useless if at any point they can add requirements of employment and fire anyone at any time who does not meet the new requirements, with no grandfather clause and no process to combat the termination for not meeting the new demands.

Parental Rights/ Children’s Innocence

Parental rights are inalienable rights that New York City government shall not interfere with or interrupt. NYC parents have the right to safeguard their children’s innocence, ensuring that they grow up with the values, morals, and beliefs instilled by their families—not imposed by outside influences or the government. Parents have the primary duty to protect their children from premature exposure to mature or inappropriate content, allowing them to develop emotionally and intellectually at a the pace that their parents deem appropriate. Today, schools, media, and institutions increasingly push agendas that may contradict a family’s principles, making it more critical than ever for parents to remain actively involved and aware. Schools should never tell children that they can make serious, life-altering decisions without parental consent. Innocence is not ignorance — it is a necessary stage of childhood that fosters security, stability, and healthy development. Parents, not government entities or ideological movements, should decide when and how their children are introduced to sensitive topics. Upholding parental rights ensures that children are raised with the guidance and protection that their parents feel is necessary. A New York City that values childhood innocence and parental authority is a better city for everyone.


On November 4, 2025, vote Athena Clarke for City Council.

Political advertisement paid for and approved by the candidate.

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